Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shame On Me

So I kinda went crazy over the weekend. Blame it on most of my wardrobe being in storage and having to buy clothes to wear to work. I'm still not done I need 4 more pairs of pants and shoes galore. I'm complaining because I kinda grew tired of fashion and clothes shopping. Something that I never in the life thought would happen. The mall gives me the hives and I would much rather spend money on my soon to be project which is my home library when we move into the apartment.
I did however do a little leisure shopping online at Forever 21. Some of the stuff is for work and some of it is obviously for play. I haven't purchased anything just yet because I have no shoes or pants to go with the stuff. Plus I want to savor the moment because the rest of my mula goes towards helping for our moving costs and furniture that we need. Like a mattress, but we'll discuss that some other time.


Note: Do yourself a favor and please Google Timothy Bloom. I promise your ears and eyes won't regret it :).

I miss my other half, my best friend, my lover...I really do. When I first decided to move back with my parents to get myself together it was hard on us. It was really hard on me because he is really the only man that I've allowed myself to get so close to. Not just intimately but mentally. I miss our talks, I miss just lounging around the house, I miss cooking for each other, I miss our love sessions, but most of all I miss us.

We've been fighting a lot lately but have managed not to let those fights get the best us. I stick to that mantra. I detest going to bed angry or worried no matter how frustrated or angry he gets me. Sometimes I get scared because we are finally taking that step and moving in together (within the next two months) and I ask myself "Are you really ready?"

We've had extended sleepovers before but this time it's going to be the real deal. My heart tells me we'll be able to manage as long as we stay in our unique little world; loving each other only the way that the two of us can. We'll be okay.